QForm Extrusion 9.0.9. Release

2020-05-22 10:09

QForm 압출 모듈의 새로운 버젼 9.0.9가 업데이트 되었습니다.

아래의 추가/향상/수정된 기능을 참고하시기 바랍니다.

유저분들은 업데이트 작업을 금일(2020.05.22)부터 진행해 드릴 예정이며,

시험판을 사용해 보고 싶은 분들은 qform@caetech.co.kr  유선전화 02-2658-5695로 연락하시면 자세히 안내해 드리겠습니다.

QForm Extrusion 9.0.9. Release Notes

# Version 9.0.9 의 새로운 기능

1. 추가된 기능

  • Welding quality calculation;
  • Additional information in the simulation state tab;
  • Field value at points for the reports;
  • Trace_id variable for lua;
  • Traces export to file;
  • RMB for traces export;
  • Option to record video with a frame delay adapted to the simulation time step;
  • RMB menu for plotting charge weld and other graphs;
  • Option to add “Graphs” and “Statistics” windows to saved video and images;
  • Option to add process time, operation name, time step and step number to saved video and images;
  • Option to automatically scale the current view to the size of the playback window when saving videos and images;
  • Option to keep the current aspect ratio of the active window if the sizes of the saved video and images are changed manually;
  • Option to adapt the program interface for high-resolution monitors (4K);
  • Option to generate reports as presentations in *.ppt format;
  • Option to export coordinates of surface nodes of objects (2D) or surface nodes of cross-cut (3D) to *.xlsx file.

2. 향상된 기능

  • Algorithm of charge weld calculation;
  • Algorithm of consideration of steady-state criterion as a stop condition
  • Visualization of velocity deviation distribution;
  • Visualization of longitudinal seam distribution;
  • Settings window for saving images and videos;
  • Special folder for saving images and animations: IMAGES-[project name];
  • Image and video file names generation algorithm;
  • Tags of report templates;
  • Overall stability and performance.

3. 수정된 기능

  • Algorithm of splitting the one-face bearings in QShape;
  • Debugging extrusion subroutines
  • Visualization of faces located on symmetry plane at source data step;
  • Small font size in saved images or video;
  • Scaling the field values in pop-up boxes in selected points;
  • Unstable legend scaling in a saved video or a series of images;
  • Displaying of isolines of fields in cross-cut.
전체 0

전체 48
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